Although USB endoscope cameras (often called USB endoscopy camera) have benefits of easy integration and require low level understanding of operation, SDI endoscope cameras or even CVBS endoscope cameras provide better results in most settings.
Advantages of SDI endoscope cameras or SDI endoscopy cameras
1) Latency
2) Timing / Synchronization
3) Direct commands
4) Cabling
Latency USB endoscopy camera (USB endoscope camera)
Latency is always an issue if surgical procedures are performed. One wants the most accurate video image of any surgical manoeuvre made.
Here SDI endoscope cameras beat USB endoscope cameras.
SDI endoscopy cameras have the benefit of perfect quality video footage without any visual latency (latency is typically below 10 milliseconds).
USB endoscopy camera have the issue that the image needs to be reconstructed by the computer the USB endoscope camera is inserted, which induces a delay.
Moreover, USB endoscopy camera have the issue that for higher resolutions, compression is required to be able to transmit the image (USB2 can transport VGA at full speed (50/60 fps), HD (720p) already causes issues, limiting the frame rate for HD using USB2 without compression), USB3 can transport Full-HD at 1080p60, but often the processing power of the PC cannot coop with the amount of data. For 4K / 2160p resolutions, USB3 cannot handle the uncompressed data stream. Compression (even in MJPEG) leads to increased latency, further making surgical procedures less attractive.
------------------->>> SDI endoscopy camera is more suitable then USB endoscopy camera
Why do you not want a delay or latency from a medical endoscopy camera? Because you do not want your surgeon to cut through your tissue (or worse vain)!
This is a key reason to go for SDI endoscope cameras, not USB endoscope cameras
Timing / Synchronization USB endoscopy camera (USB endoscope camera)
USB cameras depend on the computer port performance, next to camera output perfomance, and although the complete data transport takes place and even the human eye can often not see any timing glitches, the factual timing of the USB image is not linear. This is not an issue if it is merely for recording (the recording unit will straighten out any of the delays in retrieving the video due to buffering etc), but for direct evaluation of a patient, USB endoscopy cameras are not suitable.
------------------->>> SDI endoscopy camera is more suitable then USB endoscopy camera
USB endoscopy cameras miss direct registry commands
While USB cameras have the advantage of "easy test", just "plug in" and you get an image, the vast majority of USB cameras lack any control. Yes, they have plenty of tools to "upgrade the image" with "red eye correction" of apply special filters, but this is only possible after the video has been captures / the snapshot has been acquired. The factual USB endoscopy camera controls are very limited. On the fly -One Push White Balance - for example, is not possible, as it is either not available for USB endoscope cameras or it requires navigation to a third level of an On Screen Display. skoopia focuses on customers that demand upfront and direct (read productive) camera control. Altering the image afterwards will tweak the image (as the base is the digitally acquired image) not fundamentally improve the image.
Upfront and direct control of the medical endoscopy camera is available on all skoopia SDI cameras (medical block cameras, but also medical SDI cameras). Here, we provide the VISCA direct command set for productive and best in class imaging required for endoscopy.
------------------->>> SDI endoscopy camera is more suitable then USB endoscopy camera
Long signal transmission missing in USB endoscopy camera
Where USB cabling has a maximum length of 5 meters, SDI endoscopy cameras or CVBS endoscope cameras can transport the video signal over significantly longer distances. The longer distance makes the usage of SDI endoscope cameras more versatile and the manoeuvrability of the surgeon or medical doctor is not hampered by "length of cable".
------------------->>> SDI endoscopy camera is more suitable then USB endoscopy camera
Back ground reading on endoscopy camera
Endoscope camera or Endoscopy camera
An endoscopy (endoscopic camera examination) (endoscopy translated from Latin: "looking inside") is used in medicine to examine the interior of the body. It makes use of an endoscope camera to examine the interior of a hollow organ or cavity of the body. Unlike many other medical imaging techniques, endoscopes are inserted directly into the organ. A cutting tool can be attached to the end of the endoscope, and the apparatus can then be used to perform surgery. This immediately explains why latency (see above) on the video image is so important.
Endoscope camera versus other -scope cameras
Although endoscopy as an application, and endoscope cameras are the best known medical camera application, there is a vast amount of applications making use of identical or similar medical OEM cameras, merely classifying the medical camera as a different, although the camera itself is identical. Find underneath an example movie to explain the usage of endoscopy camera as well as some video footage of the factual examination.
Explanation video on usage of endoscopy camera - Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Procedure
medical endoscope cameras used in different applications

Although numerous people differentiate on the video output, plural endoscope cameras (also often called endoscopy cameras) are used in less invasive situations in the medical video arena. Endoscope camera usage is found in numerous applications - from non-medical camera to medical application, often named after the specific application area. In most cases, the medical endoscope camera is not used for "true" endoscopy (in the body), but in fields that are do not require insertion in the body tissue, rather making use of cavities in the human body (natural cavities such as: nose, ear, mouth, anus), but also surgically created cavities (laparoscopy camera used for minimally invasive surgery).
All endoscope applications make use of similar cameras, but the housing, camera settings and lighting are often very different.
Industrial endoscope camera or Borescopy camera
Borescopy camera - Cameras used to identify details of internal (often complex) technical setups, see examples such as:
Aviation weld and rotor inspection via borescopy camera inspection
Automotive engine inspection, using borescopy camera inspection
Building services inspection, using a borsecope camera for inspection
Wind turbines inspection, using borescope camera for inspection of the gearwheels and bearings.
Pipe construction and inspection, using a borescope camera for very small pipes, often pipe inspection camera robot for large pipes, and push rod camera for intermediate sized pipes.
Police and Border control inspection, using the borescope camera for any type of goods or identifications that are well hidden.
Quality assurance borescopy camera usage. Clear upfront visual test and documentation on specific goods requiring video footage of the OEM goods delivered. Example vidoe of the borescopy quality assurance camera is attached.
Like in the medical field you see the application of USB endoscopy cameras (or USB endoscope cameras) also in the industrial endoscopy camera market. Also here, the SDI endoscopy camera or SDI borescopy camera has clear advantages over the USB endoscope camera, particularly by having direct commands, next to build up flexibility and support of superior sensors.
Any advantage of a medical SDI endoscope camera over a medical USB endoscope camera is also valid for an industrial SDI endoscope camera versus an industrial USB endoscope camera.
Other medical camera applications using endoscope cameras
There are plural medical applications requiring video footage and snapshots of the human (same is true for veterinary medical cameras). All these medical cameras use similar OEM block cameras or OEM board cameras.
The gastrointestinal tract (your digestion system)
Endoscopy of the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract: oesophagus, stomach, duodenum) is called esophagogastroduodenoscopy
Endoscopy of the small intestine enteroscopy, and from the large intestine or colon is called colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy depending on the type and part of the colon examined.
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) combines endoscopy with fluoroscopy to treat e.g. pancreatic issues.
Proctoscopy also separated into rectoscopy and anoscopy are endoscopic applications for inspecting rectum respectively anus.

Endoscopy of the nose is called rhinoscopy.
Endoscopy of the upper respiratory tract is called laryngoscopy (see picture on the right hand side), while the term bronchoscopy is used for the endoscopy of the lower respiratory tract.otoscopy is the endoscopy of the ear.
For the uninary tract the endoscopic application is called cystoscopy. Gynoscopy is the collective name for endoscopy of the female reproductive system, with cervix examination being called colposcopy, hysteroscopy being the name for endscopy of the uterus, and falloposcopy the endoscopic examination of the fallopian tubes.
Normally closed body cavities can be examined using an endoscopy, by making a small incision. The following terms of endoscopy are used for the following (often minimally invasive) endoscopic applications.
Laparoscopy is the endoscopic application examining the abdominal or pelvic cavity
Examination of the interior of a joint is called arthroscopy. Thorascopy and mediastinoscopy are endoscopic camera applications to examine the organs in the chest.
Endoscopy is also used in different fields of medicin, such as:

The amnion (amnioscopy) or the fetus (fetoscopy) can be examined using endoscopy cameras during pregnancy.
Endoscopes are also used in plastic surgery and orthopedic surgery (hand (see picture on the left: endoscopic carpal tunnel syndrome release), knee, etc).
skoopia is named after "scopy", as nearly all cameras skoopia markets can be applied to applications containing "scopy". Endoscope cameras in medicin, with all its different specific applications, but also microscopy and many other applications (not just medical market, also in the industrial market) are served with our cameras. In all cases these cameras allow direct commands and superior image quality without latency supporting the surgeon, radiologist, operator or user in being more productive, providing time critical information instantly.
