skoopia has recently introduced three new Full HD global shutter block cameras. 10x, 30x and 36x, allowing you to combine the advantages of global shutter cameras (synchronisation, trigger, strobe, viewing fast moving objects without image deformation) with the advantegous of block cameras (auto focus, optical magnification). All global shutter cameras can be controlled the well known VISCA commands
10x global shutter block/ 30x global shutter block G21Z10S/G21Z30S
The skoopia 10x G21Z10S and 30x G21Z30S have form factors known from their rolling shutter block equivalents (21Z10S and 21Z30S), and are equipped with a global shutter sensor (AR0234) while offering an extensive set of VISCA commands for trigger and strobe.
Ruggedized 36x global shutter block G20Z36S-R/ G20Z36S-RS
The skoopia 36x is special in that it has been designed to meet harsh environments. Its ruggedized optics have withstand the military shock and vibration tests (MIL-STD-810), combining excellent image quality (Sony IMX392 sensor) in harsh environments. The ruggedized 36x global shutter block comes in two flavors having different video output.
G20Z36S-R: native LVDS, CVBS and EX-SDI video ouput
G20Z36S-RS: native HD-SDI, EX-SDI, TVI and CVBS video ouput
Naturally it provides control via VISCA.
G21Z10S/G21Z30S Trigger/Strobe in detail
Below you find the extensive trigger and strobe control support on the 10x and 30x global shutter block camera
6.1. Trigger Control
Free Run:
The camera operates without a trigger signal and performs the video output operation continuously after the shutter (exposure) is finished. The horizontal and vertical timing signals are generated within the camera. During the free-run operation, image pickup timing cannot be controlled. In the free-run operation, the adjustment is made automatically to achieve the maximum frame rate according to the shutter setting.
Trigger mode :
Exposure is started by detecting the externally input trigger signal. When ExposureDetection is
EdgeDetection, exposure is started by detecting the rising or falling edge of the trigger signal and the trigger edge detection (exposure is performed based on the set shutter value) is performed.
When ExposureDetection is WidthDetection, the trigger width detection (exposed for the period of
the trigger signal width) is performed.
Manual Focus and manual exposure are forced when trigger mode.
Related Command
CAM_TriggerMode: OFF(FreeRun)/ ON(Trigger mode)
TriggerSource : OFF / Internal Sync / External Trigger / SOFT (command)

In CAM_TriggerMode is ON and TriggerSource is Ext Trigger, Exposure is started by detecting the
externally input trigger signal. When ExposureDetection is EdgeDetection, exposure is started by
detecting the rising or falling edge of the trigger signal and the trigger edge detection (exposure is performed based on the set shutter value) is performed. When ExposureDetection is WidthDetection, the trigger width detection (exposed for the period of the trigger signal width) is performed.
Related Command
TriggerExpMode: edge detection/ width detection
Trigger Edge Detection
the camera exposure starts at the falling edge of the trigger pulse or positive edge when setting is “Trigger Polarity is ActiveLow”, the camera exposure starts at the falling edge of the trigger pulse.
Exposure duration time is preset by the “Electrical Shutter” settings.
Trigger Width Detection
Trigger Source
This can be input via the 9pin FFC connector, KEL 30pin connector, or software command (SOFT).
Related Command
TriggerSource: OFF / Internal Sync / External Trigger / SOFT
Trigger range limit
Only signals in the set trigger width can be accepted as the trigger signal. This functions as a noise filter, which removes chattering or disturbance noise in the trigger signal line. This also functions as a trigger selector, whereby only a specific camera can be operated by the trigger when multiple cameras share one trigger signal line. When the trigger signal is input, exposure is started immediately to increment the trigger counter; however, when trigger width is out of the range, video is not output and the trigger counter is decremented. If the shutter time is set shorter than the upper limit, triggers will be received and video is output even if the trigger signal is wider than the trigger range limit. If the trigger source is soft trigger, trigger range is not enabled.
Related Command
TriggerRange : OFF/ ON
TriggerRangeLowerLimit : 1~2,000,000 Trigger range lower limit [μs]
Trigger Delay
The camera can delay the trigger signal.
Related Command
TriggerExDelay : 1~4,194,303 μs
TriggerDelay: 0 ~ 255.9 ms
Only signal in the SOFT trigger source can be accepted as the acquisition trigger signal.
Continuous : Continuous acquisition in SOFT trigger mode. The Frame acquisition start trigger is
coming from the AcquisitionStart command. Images are picked up until AcquisitionStop command. The exposure time is performed based on the set shutter value.
SingleFrame : One Frame image pick up after AcquisitionStart command.
MultiFrame : Multiple Frame images pick up after AcquisitionStart command.
Related Command
AcquisitionMode : Continous/SingleFrame/MultiFrame
AcquisitionFrameCount : Number of frames to acquire in MultiFrame Acquisition mode.
AcquisitionStart, AcquisitionStop : Software trigger start or stop
6.2. Special Trigger
When operating in trigger mode and performing image pickup in different conditions (such as the shutter, gain, and image pickup area), the setting has to be changed in advance for each trigger input. However, if the special trigger operation is enabled, the setting does not have to be changed and continuous image pick up in different conditions is facilitated. Up to 16 settings can be configured. There are the bulk operations in which images are taken consecutively by inputting the trigger signal once and the sequential operation in which images are taken each time the trigger signal is detected. The next exposure is started after the end of video output. In the sequential operation, the second and subsequent trigger signals should be input 5 ms or more after the end of video output. During the special trigger operation, the device cannot be entered to the trigger mode. The source and polarity of the special trigger signal should be defined separately from the trigger mode. Each setting should be saved in the user set.
Bulk Trigger
Different camera setting configurations are stored in memory channels beforehand, with the different settings applied to acquire multiple video images at each trigger event. In the following diagram, two images are acquired in one cycle.
Sequential Trigger
Different camera setting configurations are stored in memory channels beforehand, with the different settings applied in sequence to acquire a different image with each trigger event. In the followingdiagram, two images with different exposure settings are acquired in one cycle.
Burst Trigger
This is a feature capable of continuous shooting at the trigger timing and specifying the number of exposures, exposure interval, and exposure time. Select from the mode that repeats one exposure time or the mode that switches between 2 exposure times repeatedly. Furthermore, there is another mode that repeats only while the trigger signal is on.
6.3. Strobe Control

Strobe mode :
ON : CMOS exposure active signal
Night Only : Indicate Night signal
Day Only : Indicate Day signal
Level Low : This function can set low level
Level High : This function can set high level
Ext trigger through:
Ext trigger with delay : Strobe control signal with strobe delay and strobe width.
FVAL(CMOS) : Frame Valid (CMOS Readout)
LVAL(CMOS) : Line Valid (CMOS)
FVAL(ISP) : Frame Valid (ISP output)
LVAL(ISP) : Line Valid (ISP output)
PWM : Pulse generation signal. PulseCycle, PulseDuty
USEROUTPUT1 : user defined output
USEROUTPUT2 : user defined output
USEROUTPUT3 : user defined output
Related Command
StrobeExDelay, StrobeExWidth : StrobeWidth can be enabled when StrobeMode is ext trigger with delay
PulseDuty, PulseCycle : cycle = duty(high level) + low level
StrobePolarity : ActiveLow(fallingEdge) / ActiveHigh(risingEdge)
The skoopia 10x and 30x are perfect replacements for previous global shutter cameras (often Sony CCD blocks) as they support the interfaces known (KEL interface for replacing the HD models) and 9 pin FFC replaceing the analog blocks while offfering extensive trigger strobe control.

Finally a set of extensive VISCA commands to control strobe trigger are found below:
Control commands

Inquiry commands

If you have any questions on our global shutter block cameras or need more information such as STEP files full product details contact us at info@skoopia.com
If you need information on other block cameras please specify video output and the optical zoom ratio you require and we will inform you.
